walking barefoot for back pain pain and happiness

The Dosha way to walking barefoot

How can walking barefoot help balance your dosha?

Walking barefoot on any natural surface or as it has been termed, “Earthing” lets us connect directly to the earth and its magnetic field. read more...

Supreme Skin Cleansing Oil By Mauli Rituals

New Launch – Supreme Skin Cleansing Oil

They say all good things come in threes…

Welcome the new supreme skin cleansing oil, the perfect addition to your favourite supreme collection. read more...

5-minute gratitude ritual

5-Minute Morning Ritual

Ayurveda focuses on the mind-body connection and places great emphasis on the importance of themorning routine.  While our urban lifestyles can make even 5 minutes seem a challenge, starting the day right can dramatically improve your health and wellbeing and allow you to deal with life in a gentler manner. read more...
Q&A with Jenny, Hypnotherapist

Q&A with Jenny, Hypnotherapist

What is your journey into hypnotherapy?

I first experienced hypnotherapy as an anxious 20-year-old and was fascinated by the process. I had always been drawn to languages and the power of words, but this was really the catalyst for a self-development and healing journey that has totally transformed the way that I think and process emotions. read more...

Anita Kaushal - wellbeing meaning

Ayurveda & Wellbeing | Q&A with Anita Kaushal

What has been your journey to Ayurveda?

I was raised in a household where oils and herbs were a natural part of healing and beauty.. read more..

Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones | Mauli Rituals Blog

How To Balance Hormones Naturally

Hormones have profound effects on your mental, physical and emotional health. These chemical messengers play a major role.. read more..
What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

Best Sleeping Position

Having just a good night's sleep is not enough. read more..

Clean + Claean Atonement = True Wellbeing

Clean Air + Clean Atonement = True Wellbeing

In consideration of Earth Day next week, we are reminded of the damage that’s been done to our precious land. read more..
Holi - The Festival of Joyful Abandon | Mauli Rituals Journal

Holi - The Festival of Joyful Abandon

The Hindu festival of Holi marks the start of spring with a joyous and messy party.  Known as "the festival of colours", the Hindu celebration of Holi marks the coming of spring and the fertility of the land, but also has deeper roots in Hindu mythology. read more...
Ruby Hammer shares her mother's secrets

Ruby Hammer shares her mother's legacy

A native Brit of Bangladeshi parents, Ruby Hammer MBE, continues to enjoy a high-profile career as an internationally acclaimed make-up artists and branding creator and consultant. Home is in West London and shared with her husband and Soho House COO Martin Kuczmarski. read more ...

Maha Shivratri - The Night Of Shiva, The Destroyer

Today is Maha Shivaratri (translating to ‘great night of Shiva’) and with the planets perfectly aligned, it's an auspicious day to raise the positive vibrations and intentions of anyone willing and ready to create an inner transformation. read more...
Health benefits of Ashwagandha

The Health & Beauty Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, the Indian Ginseng; one of the world’s most potent adaptogens and an Ayurvedic herbal healing essential. read more...