Rituacharya: exercise for vata season

Rituacharya: exercise for vata season

In late autumn and early winter, the vata energy is abundant in the atmosphere. This means that all body types are more prone to vata imbalances. read more..
ayurvedic morning ritual

5 Ayurvedic Morning Rituals

Does the mantra “rise and shine” sound like a complete oxymoron to you? If you replied yes, then you’ve come to the right place. read more..
ayurvedic travel tips

Our Top Ayurvedic Travel Tips

There is no denying it, no matter how much you’re looking forward to the destination, traveling is stressful. read more..
Q&A With Ayurveda Practitioner: Dr Mathew

Q&A With Ayurveda Practitioner: Dr Mathew

Dr Mathews is Specialized in Chronic Health conditions, diet and lifestyle planning to support recovery and ayurvedic medicinal plants. read more..
ayurveda benefits

What are the Benefits of Practicing Ayurveda?

Ayurveda essentially means knowledge of life. It is a precise combination of science and the art of healthy living. read more..

yoga ayurveda

What is the Relationship Between Yoga and Ayurveda?

Both originating from India, yoga and Ayurveda are two branches of the same healing tree. read more..
5 elements

What are the 5 Elements in Ayurveda?

The Hindu philosophy of Ayurveda is known as the “Science of Life”, understanding that all things in nature are made up of the 5 elements. read more..
ayurvedic body type

What is an Ayurvedic Body Type?

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are collectively known as the three doshas. They are three unique forces of nature that are essential to our physiology in some way. read more..
ayurveda introduction

Ayurveda: A Complete Introduction

Ayurveda is widely accepted to be one of the oldest healing sciences still in use, dating back 5,000 years ago to where it originated in India. read more..
ayurvedic massage

Ayurveda Massage Guide

Getting a massage is one of life's most pleasurable experiences. It sends welcomed chills down your spine, allows you to deeply relax both physically.. read more..
ayurvedic tea

Ayurveda for Anxiety

Anxiety is more than just a feeling or an emotion, it is a physical response that can not only control our mind, spirit and body, but it can dictate our lives.. read more..
organic ashwagandha

Your Essential Guide to Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a plant that has been used for thousands of years thanks to the powerful benefits it has on the human mind, body and spirit. read more