It is a sad fact that we have almost certainly all been touched by cancer.  For us, seeing a loved one go from diagnosis to passing propelled us to share the wisdom of Ayurveda to bring comfort, nourishment and healing.

On a physical level, Ayurveda offers the tools to strengthen immunity and emotionally, we learn to live in the moment, with self-acceptance and grace.



As someone wise said, ‘we make our plans and God laughs’, because the truth is, we don’t know what is to come.  All we know is that we are here now and it’s our responsibility to treat our minds and bodies with kindness.

Message in a bottle

"I have been using Mauli’s amazingly rich Surrender Vata Body oil every day for the last two years. I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and lost function in both my legs temporarily two winters ago, as well as sustaining damage to my left arm and both my hands. My right leg has never recovered full function and it still feels ‘dead’ inside. In combination with diet, rest, and exercise rehabilitation, I have massaged my legs and arms every day with Mauli’s Vata oil to coax them back into life. Conscious self-massage and gratitude for my recovering if damaged body has been an essential part of the healing process. I also use the Sacred Union Scent and Dry Oil which gives an overall sense of well-being. Mauli has formed a critical part of my self-care and healing. These products made with love have helped me give myself love, warmth and comfort at a time of crisis and help sustain me as I endeavour to piece my body back together." – K


Wishing you and your loved ones strength and peace,



For every full-sized body oil ordered this week, we will add a free mini one so you can offer it to a friend in need.

Agna Poznanska