With Valentines just around the corner warm your hearts and minds with our delicious rice pudding recipe with rose petals, pistachios, cardamom, rose water, pistachios and a sprinkling of our aphrodisiac superfood blend, this one’s sure to ignite loving feelings for self and others.


1 cup of coconut milk 

1 cup of almond milk

1 cup of rice 

3 cardamom pods

2 tsp of rose food grade water 

pinch of Himalayan salt

1 Tbs of honey 

1 tsp of food grade rose petals

1 Tbs of pistachio nuts

1 scoop of our Transform & Transcend Plant Alchemy

Cook the rice in coconut milk and almond milk, with added cardamom and salt for about 30 minutes, or until really soft. Remove the cardamom pods, add the rose water and honey and stir. Decorate with edible rose petals, pistachios, then add our adaptogens and enjoy!

Mauli Rituals