Vedic Astrology of 2024

Please note that all dates and signs refer to the Sidreal Zodiac used in Vedic astrology which differs from your western sign) Want to know the difference?

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Astrological Forecast 2024

Welcome to the Cosmic Journey of 2024, according to Vedic Astrology. Below we explore the celestial roadmap ahead as Vedic Astrology unveils a year ripe with transformation, growth, and opportunities.

Vedic Astrology’s true Sanskrit name is Jyotish, which translates to mean “Science of Light”. The power of this astrology that is rooted in the ancient vedic texts, lies in our ability to know when to proceed with caution, and when we are bolstered by the planets so we can take a risk.

Let's dive into the cosmic waves guiding our paths and discover how to navigate this year's astrological insights:

We begin 2024 with the blessing of Jupiter turning direct, after a lengthy retrograde that began in September. In Sanskrit, the planet Jupiter is referred to as Guru, and his transits through the signs reflect where we have access to our higher selves and wisdom. Jupiter will be direct in the nakshatra (Sanskrit for lunar mansion) of Aswini, until February 3rd 2024.

This is the portion of Aries related to swift movement and healing, so Jupiter here will noticeably accelerate our progress, despite the continued presence of Saturn in Aquarius that will attempt to slow us down!* Then on February 3rd, Jupiter enters Bharani Nakshatra, the bridge point between Aries and Taurus that is connected to the cycle of death and re-birth.

Remember that Jupiter only enters each sign once every twelve years, so as the ruler of opportunity and expansion, knowing where Jupiter travels helps us tap into the gifts of his transits. Between February 3rd and May 1st, when Jupiter finally enters the Taurus portion of the sky, there can be many skins shed and the seeds you planted back in Spring of 2023 may start to bear fruit. Jupiter will stay in Taurus from May 1st until

 What does 2024 offer collectively? 

2024 offers us a moment to graduate from the trials of 2023, while still accessing deeper transformation. Jupiter was travelling close to Rahu in 2023, which creates a Yoga known as Guru-Chandal. This is when Rahu, ruler of illusion, spoils Jupiter’s offerings and we are not able to fully grasp the wisdom of Jupiter. Luckily, Jupiter is now roaming free and far away from Rahu’s smoke, so 2024 is a year when all of us collectively are able to receive the teachings of Jupiter.

  • For those of you with planets in Aries or Taurus, this astrology may manifest itself in the form of an inspiring yoga teacher, or a trip abroad that transforms your perspective. Activities that can help us tap into Jupiter’s energy include travelling, reading or consulting with a wise elder on important matters.

Collectively, 2024 is a year for deep transformation and healing, as the nodes of the moon changed signs on November 29th 2023, for the first time since Spring of 2022, moving into Pisces and Virgo. This is a key energetic shift, and with Rahu in Pisces, many of us will feel inclined to dive deeper into our own subconscious, or release the cycles of previous years through yoga, meditation, and study of the occult.

  • Those of you with planets in Pisces or Virgo in the sidereal system will feel this shift most, with sudden changes that seem unavoidable manifesting out of the blue. Avoiding overindulging in drink and staying close to a trusted confidante, while meditating regularly can soothe the restless energy of Rahu in Pisces.

The healing, insightful transit of Rahu in Pisces will deepen after the 9th July 2024 when Rahu enters the portion of Pisces known as Uttara Bhadrapada. The symbol is a water serpent, and it is the juicier part of Pisces that is great for Kundalini yoga, meditation and tantric practices. Those on the spiritual path who are able to handle this powerful energy will be more able to tap into the transformative gifts of Rahu in Pisces after July.

Keeping a spiritual practice is more important than ever throughout 2024, as connecting to Rahu in Pisces will make it easier to access the more material fruits of Jupiter moving into Taurus after May 1st.

Before we access the transformation and growth promised by Jupiter and Rahu in 2024, we must stay patient due to Saturn’s continued transit in Aquarius that will affect those with planets in Aquarius, Aries, and Scorpio. If the end of 2023 felt hopeful but sprinkled with obstacles, this was due to Saturn’s aspect on Mars, the planet that endows us with courage and speed. Luckily - we enter January 2024 with Mars in fiery Sagittarius so we can enjoy a powerful boost from Mars until March 15th. This dynamic motion from Mars combined with Jupiter direct will be especially beneficial for Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

The Key 2024 Takeaways: 

The way to navigate 2024’s astrology is to stay humble when faced with delays, and to move with courage and conviction when the stars allow. Negotiating with Mars and Saturn will be key, so when you sense resistance to your efforts, take note and turn inwards. A beneficial transit is always nearby.

Keep exploring, keep growing, and let the cosmic wisdom of 2024 unfold!

Want to learn more about your sign and Vedic Astrology?

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 Written by Nymph Of Neptune 

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Annabelle Hookway-Jones