Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, embracing natural remedies to improve one’s health, wellbeing and to balance the different energies and chakras within the body. Stemming from this is the Ayurvedic diet, a pattern of eating that advises on including or excluding certain foods to balance your doshas and to improve your overall well-being… both physically and psychologically.

What is an Ayurvedic Diet?

An Ayurvedic diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual will have different experiences with an Ayurvedic diet, including and excluding different foods to help balance the unique energies that govern it. Unlike most diets, the Ayurvedic diet will promote balance, health and well-being of the mind as well as the body. 

How to Eat Food For Your Dosha

According to Ayurveda, there are five different elements that make up everything that surrounds us and everything we are. These are prithvi (earth), teja (fire), akash (space), jala (water) and vayu (air). These five elements together make up three different doshas; pitta dosha, vata dosha and kapha dosha. Each of which control different functions within the body...

Pitta dosha controls hunger, thirst and body temperature.

Kapha dosha controls electrolyte balance, immunity and movement.

Vata dosha controls joint function and the nervous system.

Each of us has a dominant dosha, and with the help and support of an Ayurvedic diet you can find harmony and balance between all three. To find your dominant dosha, you can take our quiz here.

vata diet

What is a Pitta Diet?

If your body’s dosha is pitta dominated, your Ayurvedic diet will focus on energising and cooling foods.

Pitta foods to include:

  • Protein- poultry, egg whites, tofu
  • Dairy- milk, ghee, butter
  • Fruits- sweet and fully ripe
  • Vegetables- sweet and bitter
  • Legumes- chickpeas, lentils
  • Grains- oats, rice, barley
  • Nuts and seeds- pumpkin seeds, coconut, sunflower seeds

To help you embrace your Pitta diet, here at Mauli we have created our Spirited Pitta Infusion to balance your body's biochemical changes. Carefully blended with nana mint leaves, peppermint leaves, orange peels, roasted chicory root, ginger bits, dwarf everlast blossoms and cactus blossoms, Spirited Pitta Infusion will help alleviate emotional outbursts, hyper-acidity, improve skin health whilst purifying the blood. 

What is a Kapha Diet?

If your body’s dosha is kapha dominated then your Ayurvedic diet will focus on limiting heavy foods.

Kapha diet foods include:

  • Protein- poultry, seafood, egg whites
  • Dairy- skim milk, soy milk
  • Fruits- dried fruits, apples, pears, blueberries
  • Vegetables- leafy greens, onions, potatoes
  • Any legumes
  • Grains- oats, barley
  • Nuts and seeds- sunflower seeds, flax seeds

To help you embrace your Kapha diet, here at Mauli we have created our Spirited Kapha Infusion to balance your energies governing immunity. Carefully blended with holy basil, apple bits, vervain, cinnamon, lemongrass, honeybush, lemon balm leaves, rooibos and marigold blossoms, Spirited Kapha Infusion will support frayed emotions, lethargy and combat flu-like symptoms. 

What is a Vata Diet?

If your body’s dosha is vata dominated, your Ayurvedic diet will focus on including grounding, warm and moist foods whilst restricting dry foods. 

Vata diet foods include:

  • Protein- poultry, seafood, tofu
  • Dairy- yogurt, milk, butter
  • Fruits- fully ripe, sweet and heavy
  • Vegetables- cooked vegetables such as radishes, green beans, sweet potatoes
  • Legumes- chickpeas, mung beans, lentils
  • Grains- cooked rice, cooked oats
  • Any nuts and seeds

To help you embrace your Vata diet, here at Mauli we have created our Spirited Vata Infusion to balance your body's energies that govern the nervous system. Carefully blended with jasmine, lemon balm, candied mango bits, rosebuds, marigold blossoms and cornflower blossoms, Spirited Vata Infusion will help balance ease digestion, calm an anxious mind and encourage a restful sleep. 

James Oakley