Menopause is a natural stage in a female’s life and occurs between the ages 45-55 years. This affects the menstrual cycle and as there is a slow halting of periods, so too estrogen and estrogen and progesterone levels begin to decrease, which may lead to symptoms such as fatigue, loss of muscle mass, loss of labido, mood swings, night sweats and hot flushes.

Fortunately there is now greater awareness than ever to the causes, symptoms and solutions to dealing with the menopause. This World Menopause Day 2024 we will focus on the Ayurvedic view of and treatment for the transaction into menopause.

The Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Menopause Symptoms

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest and most comprehensive healthcare system.  Designed to look at the individual as a unified whole, the science of Ayurveda is focused on prevention, as opposed to cure and aims to allign and balance physical and emotional health. 

While natural, the onset of menopause is seen as a balance disruptor and Ayurveda looks at a multi-layered approach to balancing.  This could be taking adoptegenic  herbs, altering ones diet, practicing yoga and breathwork, long walks in the fresh air and eating seasonally, locally and organically.  While the menopause is generally seen as a time when women enter the VATA stage of their life, the symptoms will differ depending on your dosha


Vata Type

Vata women are adaptable and their energy governs bodily functions and movement. When it comes to Vata dosha they may need to adjust their bedtime and aim for an early bedtime pattern and combine this with yoga, meditation, and practicing self-care. Take the time to have a bath and massage your skin with oils. For individuals that may be experiencing hair loss, we also recommend our Organic Shatavari Powder  You can then take 1tsp per day (3g) for thirty days on your cereals, juice, porridge or smoothie or in the evening in your choice of warm milk - make this part of you daily ritual if hari loss is one of your main menopause concerns. 


Shatavari Organic Supplement


This dosha type may experience:

  •         Anxiety
  •         Panic attacks
  •         Mood swings
  •         Insomnia
  •         May feel cold
  •         Flashes,
  •         Constipation
  •         Bloating
  •         Joint pain
  •         Hair loss 


Pitta Type

Pitta women are focused, intense and intelligent, sometimes this can lead to hot tempers but they aren’t afraid to speak their minds and are always up for a challenge. Some of their symptoms could be:

  •         Mood swings
  •         Hot flushes
  •         Night sweats
  •         Acne


To try to control your body temperature, aim for staying in the sun for too long or being in hot environments and aim for going to bed earlier than normal. It is important to take the time to destress and unwind, this allows time for your hormones to settle and for you to relax.


Kapha Type

Kapha women tend to have grounded heavy energy that governs bodily growth. They are loving, kind and non-judgemental, preferring the easy going, unhurried version of life. However, compared to the other two doshas tends to gain weight. Some of their symptoms could be:

  •         Fatigue
  •         Demotivation
  •         Slow digestion
  •         Depression and anxiety


The best way to combat fatigue and lethargy is by going to bed earlier and getting out of bed earlier than normal, aim for 6 am and over time you will notice an increase in your energy levels. It is a great way to start the day and practice yoga for 15-20 minutes every morning.


What Is An Ayurvedic Menopause Diet Plan?

Ayurveda aids in the connection between the mind, body, and spirit when it comes to promoting wellness and supporting overall well-being. The main concepts of Ayurveda are balance and healing. This is why the Ayurvedic diet focuses on having a balanced, healthy, and personalised diet. 

The Ayudervic diet focuses on holistic foods and lifestyle practices and the Ayurvedic diet encourages you to eat a balanced and wholesome diet filled with natural foods. Here are some ways to change your diet according to your dosha to help treat and alleviate symptoms of menopause:


  •         Eat regularly and incorporate warm food and drinks.
  •         Add spices like fennel and cumin
  •         Limit sugar, cold drinks, caffeine, and salads.



  •         Add in vegetables with high levels of water such as courgette, squash, and cucumber.
  •         Eating fruit is okay but limit the amount of sugar as blood sugar levels are less stable during menopause
  •         Increase water intake.
  •         Limit the number of spicy foods, hot drinks, and alcohol that you consume



  •         Pack your diet full of fruit, whole grains and vegetables
  •         Add in black pepper, turmeric, and ginger
  •         Cut down the amount of meat, cheese, and sugar you consume as well as cold foods and drinks
James Oakley