At Mauli we’re driven by a desire to transform mind, body, skin and emotions, while empowering the people we work with. In all we do, we strive to bring you something truly meaningful and special, while also giving the artisans behind the collection cause to feel inspired in making for you. I feel we’ve done just that and while it’s been extremely challenging to put the pieces together, I could not be happier and hope you enjoy the collection as much I do.



It began when I visited India to train the team at the Raas hotel. I then went on to meet a dear friend who told me about a Mumbai based not-for-profit that helps locals earn a living by taking disregarded offerings from temples and imbedding them onto fabric. I returned again and went for particular flowers and herbs on pure silk of the finest quality. The fabric was then given to our wonderful NGO in Ahmedabad, who introduced me to an exceptional team of physically challenged women. These beautiful women turned the fabric into the beautiful scarves and scrunchies that form The Temple Collection.



While the whole process was rather more challenging than I had expected, I could not be happier with the results. What you have here are one of a kind pieces that bring so much love and so many stories. I love that you don’t know who planted the marigolds, took them to the temples with prayers in their hearts, who then blessed them, gathered them, who mindfully placed them onto silk, who sewed them, packed them. This was all done to bring you joy and a feeling of connection. I hope when you wear these accessories you feel the love and intention that’s imbued in them and that you realise we are divinely connected and never alone.

Discover The Collection

Mea Jenner