Hormonal health is a complex and unique journey for everyone, throughout their lifetime. Ayurvedic principles can enhance your overall wellbeing at any stage of life, including the menopause, when women’s bodies and hair experience significant changes.   

hair health and hormones

Understanding Our Hormones & How Hair Changes Over The Lifetime

Hair is complex and dynamic, changing throughout our lives. The hair growth cycle has three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (resting). As we get older, the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle gets shorter, which results in hair getting shorter and thinner, affecting both men and women. 

The hormonal changes associated with menopause can speed up hair loss in women. During menopause, levels of the two prominent female hormones, oestrogen and progesterone drop. When these hormone levels drop, hair follicles can become more sensitive to androgens, male hormones that can shrink hair follicles and lead to hair loss. 

Menopause is the optimal time to take a holistic approach to health that considers the whole mind, body and spirit, to help keep hormones in check.

The Ayurvedic Perspective On Hair Health

Ayurveda identifies three key stages of life - childhood, adulthood and elderly age. Each stage is associated with one of the three doshas. Menopause is seen as transitioning to Vata (elderly age). 

In Ayurveda, the nervous system, circulation and hormonal function is controlled by Vata. Vata is the dosha of air and movement. When Vata is out of balance during menopause, these common hair changes can occur:

  • Dryness and brittleness
  • Frizziness
  • Loss of shine
  • Increased breakage
  • Changes in texture 
  • Hair thinning 

Ayurveda tells us that good hair health is facilitated when the doshas (energy patterns), dhatus (tissues) and strotas (channels) are in balance. Take our dosha quiz to determine which dosha or doshas you should focus on balancing. Generally, incorporating warming foods, such as ghee and spices like ginger, can support inner balance. Regular self-massage with warm oil “Abhyanga” and engaging in calming activities can further regulate the doshas and improve wellness and longevity.

Menopause: The Golden Age

Every phase of life is precious and glorious. Menopause is considered the ‘golden age’ as it is a time we come into our own and begin to feel powerful and free.⁠

While some women experience challenging physical and emotional changes during menopause; being prepared in perimenopause and indeed throughout one’s life does open us up to feelings of greater acceptance and abundance.⁠

Ayurveda’s approach to menopause and indeed life takes a balanced approach, focusing on diet, herbs, yoga, meditation and breathwork.

Ayurvedic Tips For Managing Hair Changes During Menopause

Mind-Body Practices

Practices like yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises ``Pranayama” help manage stress and menopausal symptoms. Try a more meditative practice like yoga nidra which is done lying on your back to help calm your mind and nervous system.

Herbal Remedies 

Certain herbs can be helpful for supporting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Try our organic Amla supplement, a popular Ayurvedic herb for hair growth, or our organic Shatavari, an Ayurvedic solution for hormonal balance, overall health and energy.

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Eat a Vata-balancing diet to support your hormone health, and your Agni, your digestive fire, with a diet that is rich in iron, zinc, and biotin and whole, unprocessed foods. Foods like leafy greens, seeds and whole grains provide vital nutrients for healthy hair growth. Opt for warm, well cooked foods and avoid foods that are too spicy, oily or heavy.

Natural Haircare 

Wash your hair with a gentle, natural shampoo and conditioner to avoid damaging hair shafts with harsh chemicals or heat styling tools to reduce breakages. Restore thickness and shine with our Grow Strong Shampoo & Conditioner free from sulphates and parabens, and packed with vitamins, omegas and amino acids.

Hair Oiling

Apply a warm oil massage to your scalp and hair at least once a week. You can warm up our Grow Strong Hair Oil in a bowl of hot water and then follow with a scalp massage “champi” combined with our beautiful Kansa Comb to further stimulate the hair follicles.

Hormonal changes take their toll physiologically and emotionally, so take time and create space to journal to process how you are feeling and make peace with yourself.

Indre Velaviciute