Both originating from India, yoga and Ayurveda are two branches of the same healing tree. Whilst they are two separate disciplines with separate functions and places in our daily lives, yoga and Ayurveda significantly overlap and to know one, you should know the other.

Vedic knowledge began making its mark on people's lives thousands of years ago in India, helping us to be more in touch with our inner consciousness and the inner workings of the universe. Yoga and Ayurveda are both present in these teachings with their closely related goals of inner and outer health, physical well-being and spiritual balance. Most know the benefits of Ayurveda and yoga individually, but when they are combined they can create a much richer healing experience that continues far beyond your yoga mat.

ayurvedic yoga

Yoga for Your Ayurvedic Body Type

In our previous blog ‘What is Your Ayurvedic Body Type’ we explored the three different doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and how each individual dosha has a unique constitution with different needs and emotions. When your doshas are out of balance you can create a personalised wellness philosophy to rebalance your body through the foods you eat, when you eat them, the products you use and lifestyle habits.

Similarly, a customised yoga practice can also be used to regain an equilibrium within and help you on your journey to emotional and physical wellness.

Yoga for Vata Dosha: The vata dosha governs movement, flexibility and the nervous system. When this is out of balance you may experience dryness, anxiety and insomnia. For this reason we recommend incorporating slow and grounding postures such as inversions, spinal twists and the Mountain Pose. When practicing ayurvedic yoga take calm and deep breaths to nurture and bring about stillness.

Yoga for Pitta Dosha: When your pitta dosha is out of balance you may find you experience inflammation, anger and jealousy. To cool the heat of your inner pitta we recommend trying cooling and relaxing yoga postures, heart-openers (Bow and Camel) and forward bends to help you find patience and the ability to slow down.

For some inspiration you can read our blog post ‘A Cooling Yoga Practice to Pacify Pitta’.

Yoga for Kapha Dosha: If you have a kapha dosha, your body type is cooler, heavy and slow. For this reason to regain ayurvedic balance through yoga practice we recommend vigorous yoga exercises to encourage enthusiasm, focus and heat.

Ayurvedic Yoga Products

Here at Mauli we love to help you incorporate Ayurveda into your everyday routine with ease and simplicity. We have created an ‘At Home Yoga’ bundle which includes our best selling Sundaram & Silence Essential Oil Candle, Surrender Vata Body Oil and the option to add Devotion Rose Mist or one of our limited Hand-Loomed Meditation Shawls. With this meditative set you will be able to bring the transcending experience of a yoga class to your home. 

Begin your ayurvedic yoga session by lighting our Sundaram & Silence Essential Oil Candle to invite feelings of calm and fill the space with a relaxing atmosphere. As the candle warms the wax, inhale the essential oils that fill the air deeply with closed eyes and an open heart. Envelop yourself with our Meditation Shawl to calm anxiety and encourage feelings of safety and protectiveness. The perfect way to begin your yoga practice. Finish your ayurvedic yoga session by massaging our Vata Body Oil into aching limbs to soothe muscles, decompress and prepare for a restful evening or an energised day.

ayurvedic yoga shawl

James Oakley