We were honoured to contribute to an article in Harper's Bazaar on cultural attribution. Anita and Mauli Rituals were recognised as one of the names keeping traditional beauty practices alive, alongside 4 other brilliant beauty brands keeping ancient beauty rituals alive. Beauty Editor Roberta Schroeder included Mauli in a round up of five of today’s most promising beauty brands, all of which honour and celebrate the world’s most beloved beauty rituals. She noted that these brands are "stepping in to fill that authenticity void" left in the wake of "bigger brands picking up on indigenous wisdom, be it Indian hair oiling or Yoruba shea butter rituals, adding it to their offering in a shallow and disposable way, with little or no acknowledgement to its origins". She continues to say "These niche brands are connecting consumers to their heritage in a way that can’t be imitated" and we couldn't agree more. You can read the full article here, and shop our anointing rituals here.

Mea Jenner