How much water do you drink throughout the day? If you struggle to get your recommended water intake, then taking on a few ayurvedic teachings could be extremely beneficial. In this article, we will be looking at the best way to consume water the ayurvedic way. 

What Does Ayurveda Say About Drinking Water?

Ayurveda goes beyond being a holistic system, to an all-embracing prescription living well. As a natural system for medicine, it is focused on simple tools for living well, as opposed to unattainable and overly complicated regimes.   Prioritising drinking clean, good quality water is not only beneficial for your overall complexion, hair, skin and nails, but also directly affects energy levels.  Our serum is excellent but do yourself a favour and use it as part of a balanced ritual.

Ayurveda stipulates water be consumed small sips throughout the day, as opposed to gulping gallons at a time.  Water should be consumed at warm or room temperature, as it’s the way in which it is naturally consumed as a liquid and is the most effective at quenching one's thirst.  Finally, drink water from a steel, copper or clay pot to absorb rich nutrients. 

3 Top Tips Drinking Water The Ayurveda Way

1. Drink Water As Soon As You Wake Up

In the morning, we all have our wake up rituals - whether that be to sip on a hot cup of coffee, wash our faces, or hop in the shower. But, according to ayurvedic teachings, we should drink a glass of water first thing, as soon as we’ve woken up

Drinking a cup of water is called Ushapan, and is thought to rid the body of impurities and diseases. A glass in the morning will help you to flush out all those nasty toxins, and cleanse your intestines - keeping everything working well!

2. Only Sip, Not Slurp

Another way ayurveda suggests drinking water is to sip it. Avoid slurping, or intaking a large amount of water in one go. It’s much better to take smaller sips, and then repeat this throughout your day. 

Much like drinking water in the morning, this practice is extremely beneficial for your kidneys. It avoids them from feeling overloaded, and gives them more time to filter the liquid you have already consumed. The body will also retain much more H2O this way. Not to mention, ayurveda also takes the same stance when it comes to eating. With food, you should also take it slow, and overload your stomach. Before each meal or snack, you should try to drink a glass of water. 

3. Learn To Talk To Your Body

Another top tip is to listen to your body. When it comes to being thirsty, your body will send you signals to let you know when it needs to drink. Ayurveda teachings suggest that only drinking when you feel these signals is vital. It’s important to truly listen to your body, and to measure your own drinking system without feeling overloaded or full. 

Anita Kaushal