Did you know that 64% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned in less than a month? There is a greater chance of longer-term success with new year’s resolutions and Mauli Rituals shares their proven method with the launch of their Gentle January campaign.*

“We have to reframe the failure to keep new year’s resolutions, not as a personal weakness, but as personal power. This power comes from innately shunning social pressures and following our true nature. Our nature understands the need to go slow and be gentle. In taking a lead from nature in and around us, we open to staying physically, mentally, and emotionally well, no matter what the time of year”.

Modern Ayurvedic brand Mauli Rituals leads a new approach to successful resolution setting.

Anita’s Tips For A Successful, Gentle January 

1. The Ayurvedic Approach To Exercise 

No need to book into every Hit class or become a running pro. Instead begin the day with a couple of minutes of body shaking, dancing, or jumping on a rebounder, followed by gentle stretching and a brisk walk.  If you can’t walk in the morning, just peer your head out of the window and take in the natural light, as this simple act will regular your hormones and kick start the day the right way. Waking is one of the best forms of exercise for overall health and helps reduce anxiety, boost confidence, or ease joint pain.  Go with this short and simple routine and then phase in weight-bearing exercises in February – absolutely no rush. 

2. Caffeine and Your Ayurveda Practice

Nothing wrong with a morning coffee after you’ve first had your warm water with lemon.  If you’re wanting to cut down, alternate your coffee with Chaga – this mushroom powder tastes similar and has a real kick.  Swap the sugar with maple syrup. 

3. A Cleansing Diet For 2023

Cleansing is necessary if you’ve over-indulged and put a strain on the digestive system.  Don’t go for raw smoothies.  Now is not the time for cold food – instead, opt for our seasonal Ayurvedic Kitchari cleanse, as this also nourishes and is so good, you’ll want it regardless of health benefits. Go slow and if need be, still have your morning coffee, breakfast, and lunch, but swap out the evening meal for a light Kitchari by 7.00 pm.  Once you’re used to eating less, introduce Kitchari for lunch and breakfast for 3-7 days, and importantly, eat without distractions and within an 8-hour time frame.   Also introduce a few digestion, mood, and hormone-regulating adaptogens into your diet.  

4. Remember To Just Breathe

The simplest of actions can create the most profound shifts. This is the case with breathing.  If you find you don’t have time in your day, can you swap out just one tv show for focused breathing and meditation?  It will get your skin glowing and your mind relaxed enough to want to do the right thing. 

5. Relax With An Ayurveda Massage:

A daily oil massage is actually both pleasurable and purposeful.  When you feel you are being kind and loving, rather than punishing, you’re more likely to want to commit.  Dry body brushes pre-shower and gives yourself a full oil massage post-shower to stimulate the lymphatic system and release all those toxins.  I recommend using an oil suited to your dosha.

6. Sleep The Ayurvedic Way

One of the best things you can do to feel better is to sleep well.  Turn off the tech and get into bed by 10.00 pm if possible.  Read an inspiring book, write all you are grateful for, and celebrate how far you have come.  Stop looking at what others are doing.  This is your unique experience so drop the comparisons and focus on you. 

7. Kansa Combing Therapy

Incorporate our Kansa Comb Massage Tool into your daily routine.  This healing metal works like a magnet on the marma points, helping to instantly release blocked energy and toxins, resulting in healthier hair body, and skin. 

8. Remember To Connect With Others 

January can leave us feeling emotionally fatigued and wishing to hibernate. When you think this way, remember, others do too, so reach out.  Pick up the phone and check in on someone that may be feeling venerable and in doing so you’ll notice. Your own perceived challenges seem to shrink, and you are open to all your blessings.  As you feel a sense of gratitude, you’ll be more able to stick to your desired plan. 

9. The Ayurveda Bath

Bathing in mineral-rich, Himalayan Salts with therapeutic oils is the most lovely way to relax the nervous system, release toxicity and unwind sore ligaments.  Use our Sleep Salts to give yourself so loving kindness and help you let go of physical and emotional toxins.

10. The Art Of Journaling 

We recommend spending time with yourself, and focusing on channeling your energy into journaling. This is a great way to become present, and feel positive about everything that is happening to you at the moment. A gratitude journal is a great place to start. At night, fill these pages with all that you are grateful for and all that your heart desires, be it in the form of inspiring pictures or heartfelt words. Each day live with focused intention, love, and non-attachment.

How To Embrace The Gentle Days of January

Long-lasting rituals help, not quick fixes; Mauli is a celebration of love, nature, tradition and all that makes life meaningful and worth honouring.⁠ In Mauli Ayurvedic blends, we're sending an intention for your protection and well-being. ⁠So, to help you achieve your 2023 goals, and ease you into Gentle January, we have put together some must-haves. 

1. Surrender Vata Body Oil

May I also suggest our Surrender Vata Body Oil? A soothing blend of chamomile, frankincense, ylang-ylang, spikenard, may change, geranium, and vetiver, anchored in a nourishing base of sweet almond and sesame. This warming oil helps condition skin, boost circulation, strengthen joints, soothe aching bones and ease anxiety. When you feel erratic and lacking in clarity, this oil aids answers to flow and deep physical and emotional healing can occur. 

2. Serenity Pitta Body Oil

Or, maybe our Serenity Pitta Body Oil? This cooling blend is carefully crafted with therapeutic oils of bergamot, lavender, lime, spearmint, sandalwood, and rose absolute in a base of tissue-healing evening primrose, sweet almond and jojoba to help eliminate toxins, balance digestion, calm inflamed, sensitive skin and pacify a fiery mood and nervous tension.

3. Spirited Kapha Body Oil 

Our Spirited Kapha Body Oil is a fortifying ayurvedic blend to balance the Kapha energies within us that govern immunity. Envelop the skin in restorative, therapeutic oils of frankincense, ginger, juniper berry, and stimulating eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, and cinnamon in a base of strengthening almond and grapeseed. This rejuvenating oil helps boost a sluggish metabolism, ease joint pain, alleviate sinus and respiratory symptoms; condition skin, and awaken a loving heart.

4. Grow Strong Kansa Comb Massage Tool 

Ancient India's beauty wisdom redefined: this reassuringly weighty self-care tool is hand-crafted by hereditary master artisans in pure Kansa - hence our Grow Strong Kansa Comb Massage Tool.  The magic of this healing metal alloy is that it acts like a magnet between the skin's surface and underlying connective tissue, subtly activating pranic energy (marma) points on the scalp to help rejuvenate follicles at a cellular level and support stress, inflammation, and fatigue to melt away.  Use in conjunction with your massage oil. 

Mauli Rituals Body Oils and Kansa Comb are available at www.maulirituals.com and from selected stockists nationwide.

*Source: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/6/3084

Anita Kaushal