What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

Best Sleeping Position

Having just a good night's sleep is not enough. read more..

Ruby Hammer shares her mother's secrets

Ruby Hammer shares her mother's legacy

A native Brit of Bangladeshi parents, Ruby Hammer MBE, continues to enjoy a high-profile career as an internationally acclaimed make-up artists and branding creator and consultant. Home is in West London and shared with her husband and Soho House COO Martin Kuczmarski. read more ...
Maya Angelou | Women's day | Phenomenal Woman

Celebrating Phenomenal Women - Women's day

Celebrating Women's Day and feeling inspired by the words of the brilliant Maya Angelou - her words below and her deeds live eternally. read more...

Maha Shivratri - The Night Of Shiva, The Destroyer

Today is Maha Shivaratri (translating to ‘great night of Shiva’) and with the planets perfectly aligned, it's an auspicious day to raise the positive vibrations and intentions of anyone willing and ready to create an inner transformation. read more...
5 New Years Resolutions To Bring Lasting Results: The Ayurvedic Way

5 New Year's Resolutions To Bring Lasting Results: The Ayurvedic Way

Another year, another attempt to start the healthy habits that bring lasting results.  If you’ve tried but failed, don’t be hard on yourself. The issue is most probably that you’re not creating the habits that best suit you. read more...
Vata Season Balance| Skin and body routine | Mauli Rituals

Finding Balance in Vata Season


Late autumn and early winter are the most wonderful times of the year, as the trees prepare to rest, leaving us the gift of golden coloured leaves that create a blanket beneath our feet. read more...

Nourishing Vata Diet

Nourishing Ayurveda Diet For Winter to Boost Immunity

Your Ayurvedic Diet For Winter 

Boost immunity and your mood this winter with the Ayurveda diet. . Ayurveda firmly believes in food being central to our existence and recommends a set of principles to be observed for deriving maximum benefits from our plate. Here's a few ideas on hot boost your immunity through the Ayurvedic Diet.. .read more...

Marc Nelson on How to live a richer happier life

Q&A with Marc Nelson

A writer, passionate extreme sports adventurer, television personality, model, activists, conservationist and fundraiser, Marc Nelson leads a full, varied life. Here he shares his thoughts on living a rich and rewarding life. read more...
Tatyana Korsakova Interviewed Anita for Myhandbook.com

Tatyana Korsakova Interviewed Anita for Myhandbook.com

Anita Kaushal is the co-founder of Mauli Rituals , a British premium cosmetics brand for face and body care with ayurvedic roots. read more..
Anita shares ayurvedic tips | Mauli Rituals Journal

Anita Shares Ayurvedic Tips

Recently Anita sat in her home with dear friend and You Tuber Kelly Nahama to discuss the benefits of Ayurveda and how to know your dosha. read more..
What Makes An Acid Diet | Mauli Rituals Journal

What Makes An Acid Diet

Let’s discuss what makes an acidic diet and how it might affect your health and skin. read more...
Tension release Massage Dome | Mauli Rituals

Tension Release Massage Dome

We’ve been working on this little tri-mineral tool for two years now and are thrilled it’s finally here. read more...