As it’s National Hair Loss Awareness Month, we thought it the perfect opportunity to discuss the rejuvenating power of the Ayurvedic fruit, amla. Also known as the India Gooseberry, amla oil has helped people to experience naturally shiny and healthy hair for decades. In this article, we will be shining a light on three reasons why you should give amla oil a go if you are suffering from hair fallout.
1. The Elixir Of Encouragement
If you notice more hair fallout than usual, it’s vital that you start to support your follicles to continue growing. One of the best things you can do to look after your locks is to massage your scalp with amla oil. Alma is rich in minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, all of which increase the circulation of our blood significantly throughout the scalp. Plus, massaging the top of your head on a regular basis, should also help improve circulation which in turn will help to reduce hair loss.

Our Grow Strong Hair Oil was created with the purpose of of strengthening scalp and hair health. Blended with refined Ayurvedic elixirs, our oil activates follicles at a cellular level, which supports hair growth and reconstruction, whilst also offering further protection and intense hydration.
2. Repair & Replenish
We all want our hair to feel beautiful and strong and amla oil gets to the root of the problem. Many people choose to use amla oil as it works to strengthen hair, boost overall hair growth, reduce dandruff and prevent hair loss.
As well as repairing hair, amla oil also works to protect it. Our hair really goes through it all. Through our styling choices, our hair can experience excessive heat, hard water, and environmental stressors. Think about it like this - if it was sunny outside, you would put suncream on your skin to protect it from those harmful UV rays. Well, the same should go for your hair! Amla oil contains antioxidants, which act as a protective shield for our hair.
3. How Does Amla Oil Affect The Appearance Of Your Hair?
There are so many different types and textures of hair, and every single one has its own beauty that deserves to be celebrated. Amla oil is known for its versatility, and the ability to work alongside any hair type, bringing out the natural beauty of each and every style.
With its high vitamin content, amla oil is a potent ingredient to make hair feel silky smooth. The rich Vitamin E content in amla oil, makes it an ideal conditioner, providing hair with that all-important moisture. A beauty regimen that uses the Ayurvedic fruit, amla provides a holistic approach to hair care. Amla tackles the problem at its root (literally!) and works to create a better foundation, rather than just masking superficial issues. So, as well as getting that sought-after shine, your hair will also be healthier, and stronger.
Reconnect With This Ritual
By dedicating yourself to completing a ritual every day, you will not only see consistent results, but you will also fall back into tune with yourself, and your wellbeing. In terms of amla oil, start to add it into your hair care routine can be as simple as swapping out some of your typical hair care products. Here at Mauli, we have created an all-natural amla oil-infused shampoo and conditioner so you can seamlessly subsume this nutritive ingredient into your daily health and hair care routine.

To get started, simply lather our Grow Strong Shampoo onto wet hair. Take a moment to enjoy the sublime all-natural scent and then, tilt your hair back and rinse the shampoo from your hair.
Next, apply the conditioner through the end strands of your hair, and take extra time to work it through with your fingers. Wait for a few minutes, and enjoy the feeling of the water before washing out the conditioner.